Your not so little sister

Created by David 8 years ago
Dear Tylor , well my mind is at rest as we speak ,I have been pushing on with the office our office , work is good as it can be your little sis has been putting so much effort in to her exams I was unaware some one could study so hard and I know she does it all for you to be proud of her ,as you allways have been , I helped her write her first CV tonight ,after she had gone to bed I sat and read it and she really is a interesting person ,she is so part of you , I managed to go to a car boot sale last week a fist for me with out you , you so loved the anticipation of them the hunt for a bargain from eyes pined back for that doctor who dvd to the candles you so loved bying your mum ,bless your pure sweet heart my son not a day goes by that the pain hurts less ,but you are with and so many as a constant reminder of what can be achieved ,your thirst for living has done and will allways humble me ,and little nut brown hare rubbed his eyes and said that is a very long way xxxxx