Tylor 2 " His Art"

Created by David 10 years ago
Realy there are not enough words to do justice hear ,some one who does not truly understand said and I quote "a parent looks at there child's work thought rose tinted glasses " now don't get me wrong of course we all do ,but lets rewind a minit I took Ty fishing with me when he was small and we loved each others company ,but as he grew he found it too taxing on him physically he had little self confidence and worryed a lot ,not surprising due to all the sergerys ,so we looked for something for him to have fun with and enjoye ,I can still remember very clealy sitting him down and saying Draw and him saying he was no good at it he was about 6 I think ,one of my many sayings is there is no such word as can't ,and so he did his first drawing and second and so on ,Tylor was very persistent when he started something as in life it was about the long hall ,some thing I'm prode to have instilled ,he would look back over work compare what was better or worse and just keep going ,I'm humbled when I look at Tylors pictures on his face book page over 150 plus homeade cards ,but more importantly his personal sense of achievement he got through it Tylor was pushed on by his art teachers and espeshaly Emma ,and when I spoke at Tylors service of her being the wind under Tys wings I ment it ,she put her self out on satadays to site with Ty and encourage and teach him ,Ty got his grade A*,he got his Saturday job in the art shop , he got his place at collage and every day he got up early and I do mean every day with right what have I got to do today attitude ,he loved his comics ,his crafting of all sorts ,so back to the comment of rosé tinted "read this and be humbled and O yes shut up " as a image can be and is so much more than a image , and if you still don't get it I pitty you ,I have put in a thought on the main page and I quote "again" "the ability to be all you can be "and that is some thing so so few of us can hand on heart say we have done in our life ,but Ty excelled ,I know I know I'm his dad and I'm gona say that ,but because of me knowing that to b true I sit hear with a big smile on my face as in Tys art his life ,as a farther I've Acheved all I can be because of how he was ,we how have a huge job to help our daughter in to adult hood and to help her spread her wings so my work hear is not done yet ,and for sure I am as proude of her as I am of Ty , I am one very luckey man xxx